You Spend It..Or You Use It..??

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It not very recent since certain Micetians (Micet Students) got all-you-can-eat 'buffet'..The term 'buffet' here was known as a CHEQUE which received only for certain qualified students..So, what was it actually..?? You know you are right if you guess the right thing..Okay then, let's get started..

This Could Be You..Or Me..
Alrigth, let say if you have specifically RM3570.00 (Only for it??) in your beloved financial account, what would you do..?? Some inofficial and informal survey had been done and lets see what happened with the money in the grasp of students..Lets go!! Yeayeaahhhh..

"Dude, look at new handphone..I got it for only RM800++"
"Girls, how this high-heeled fits my feet, look wonderful right..??"
"Once I get the money, you have no idea what I'm gonna spend it for.."
"I cannot wait for PC Fair convention this March at MITC.."
"Guys, you should know this, Asus Nvidia GTX 470 1GB DDR5 has just open sold at lower price.." -----> Me myself (Fahmi)..Ehehehe..
"I already gave it half to my parents.." ----> It's a good deed actually..
"I want to keep it.."
"My new laptop!! My new outfits!! My new friends!!..???..My new that, new this, new life.."

and whatsoever new..

Online Shopping..??

Fuhh..!! What was that..Whatever it was, everybody has got choice..It's up to them what or which way they want to spend that much of money..But, don't rushing and spending it for something useless..Guys, spend it wisely..It could be very, very, very useful in the future..Get yourself only necessary items, stuffs and goods..The most important thing, at least you know what to do..Let it be as a reminder to us..

So then, which term do you like most..??

You spend it..Or you use it..??


2 pinch(s):

Noorhayati; Rosiah; Intan said...

Neither. I'd prolly go for 'splurge'. Brings a nice ring to it, no?

Fahmi Azmi said...

go for splurge?
Oh yeah, but make sure the things that we had was only-I-can-have-this-go-buy-it-if-you-think-you-can-afford thingy.
haha =)